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Lake Ariel, Dumb Man Island, Summer


watercolor on paper







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Lake Ariel is a summer destination for Scrantonians who look to escape the heat and perhaps the routine of city life. Swimming, water skiing, fishing and family time are favorite pursuits. Dumb Man Island is a traditional exploration venue where visitors can live their inner Tom Sawyers. Come fall, the spectacular foliage offers a treat for the eyes and for the soul as warm days welcome you after refreshingly cool nights. The change in the weather brings those gentle breezes, the zephyrs, that accent the waters between Dumb Man Island and the shore. Dumb Man Island becomes a totally different place when Winter freezes Lake Ariel and drifting snow covers both the lake and Dumb Man Island. Hardier pursuits reward the adventurers who snowshoe, cross-country ski or simply trudge across the landscape in the winter stillness.